student safety application

deister UK continues to deliver a reliable key management solution for a diverse and growing city based university.

A combined security and estate management project team at the university identified the challenges of managing keys and user access for this large city campus. The needs and demands of each building and service user were quite different. As part of the education sector, consideration had to be given to staff, students and contractors, alongside location and building purpose. The ability to have the right keys available at the right location, for the right person, was seen to offer cost efficiencies, and would have less demand on staff and their time. It would also lessen the financial and operational risk of either losing or not being able to trace keys when needed. As the on-going support and success of the system was the responsibility of the estates & security team, the factors below were seen as imperative.

• Reliable and low maintenance.
• Professional and prompt manufacturer support.
• Centrally and dynamically managed.
• Ability to adapt, relocate, expand and future proof.
• Managed levels of authorisation.
• Automated reports for departments / buildings.
• Secure and easy override with full disaster recovery.

Modular range of cabinets

“We chose deister electronic as they offered the largest and most modular range of cabinets available. The contactless technology and lifetime guarantee on the keyTag reassured us of the system performance data reliability. deister understood the need to be flexible with such a changing estate, and the built-in disaster recovery system meant that a remote site would always be able to access their keys.  As new buildings have come on-line or current buildings repurposed, expansion of the deister system across the University has grown. Other faculties have seen the benefits, and are knowledgeable that it is a trusted system which can be easily supported by the security team. Apart from controlling the primary keys in security, it is helping users and the university to manage a range of buildings for a wide range of departments. The pro-active maintenance and assistance we have received over the last ten years, has helped us to maintain service continuity, and adapt to meet the challenges of an ever evolving University estate.“

The reliability of the system continues to deliver cost efficiencies to such an extent, that a second larger phase of cabinet deployment has recently been deployed. The project has been considerate of initial surveys, and the security needs of each department and location. Within the university the deister key management system has become a trusted and effective bolt-on solution, with user friendly software providing flexible and automated management. The modular design of the cabinet has meant older systems haven’t gone out of date, and can be easily unified to work with the latest models and operated by the most up to date software. This will assist the security and estates team to continually deliver the challenges of further efficiencies, and the levels.

Project objective
Controlling the primary keys in security, helping users and the university to manage a wide range of buildings.

To manage keys and user access for an estate consisting of several hundred buildings. The ability to have the right keys available at the right location, for the right person.

A user friendly key management system, which saves costs and would have less demand on staff and their time.

The deister key management system has become a trusted and effective bolt-on solution, with user friendly software providing flexible and automated management.